Why Free Board Software Isn’t a Good Option

//Why Free Board Software Isn’t a Good Option

Certain organizations are attracted by free software when they are looking for board portals. However, most of these do not offer the full array of features to help directors of boards collaborate before, during and after meetings. Some also introduce security risks that could make sensitive information exposed to hackers. This is the reason reliable companies that design and sell board management software will never offer their software at no cost.

The free board software is attractive, but it is a bit limited in features and no customer support. This means that new board members may not be properly taught on how to use the software. In the absence of proper training board members could accidentally create security vulnerabilities. Moreover, they might fail to follow best practices that will ensure a good governance at their board meetings.

Unlike many free programs, board management software designed by industry experts like BoardEffect provides a comprehensive feature set that includes customer training and support. This assists meeting administrators to move quicker and perform their tasks more efficiently. It can also streamline everything from agenda creation to precise meeting minutes which makes the organization an unattractive target for fishing trips and frivolous lawsuits.

Board members can keep their meetings organized with a solution that lets them store all the meeting information in a single, secure location. The system also helps them organize their schedule and prepare for conferences. Some also have features that help them boost productivity by permitting them to vote online and share documents with just a few clicks.

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